Test Psikologi Satgas RIMPAC 2014
13 Juni 2014, Samudera Pasifik: Komandan KRI Banda Aceh-593 yang juga
Komandan satgas latihan bersama multilateral Rim of Pasific (RIMPAC) M-01
2014, Letk...
P-8A Poseidon
A P-8A Poseidon conducts flyovers above the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group
during exercise Bold Alligator 2012. Bold Alligator is the largest naval
AS 532SC Cougar
A Chilean Navy Super Puma helicopter lands on HMAS Manoora's flight deck
with mail for the crew and to pick up personnel for transfer to other
ships. (Pho...
keluarga pesawat sukhoi emang keren2 ya?